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2003 Kids

MiniNubian kids - bucks and does
Some of the 2nd gen MiniNubian kids from 2003

Below are a few pictures of some of our 2003 kids here at Green Gables MiniNubians. Enjoy looking at the photos!

This page has lots of large pictures, so please be patient as the pictures load. Thanks!

1st generation twin bucklings - Green Gables CowKid (1st gen) X Sugar Creek MM Progress Report (Nigerian Dwarf):

King and Prince - 1st gen
                                             bucklings - CowKid X PR (Nigierian)

2nd generation kids - Green Gables Cloudy Night (1st gen) X Heart's Delight Hershey (2nd gen.):

Black kid - Malbar - buckling
Black, gold and white kid - Misty - doeling

Misty and Malabar - 2nd
                                             gen twins - Cloudy X Hershey

1st generation kids - Green Gables AC Jody (1st gen) X Sugar Creek's MM Progress Report (Nigerian Dwarf):

Lily - 1st gen doeling -
                                             Jody X PR (Nigierian)

Above: Lily - Doeling

Below: Ron - Buckling

Ron - 1st gen buckling -
                                             Jody X PR (Nigierian)

2nd generation kids - Green Gables Stormy Night (1st gen) X Heart's Delight Hershey (2nd gen.):

Charcoal - 2nd gen buckling
                                             - Stormy X Hershey

Above: Chocolate buckling

Below: Nina - doeling

Nina - 2nd gen doeling
                                             - Stormy X Hershey

2nd generation kids - Green Gables Starry Night (1st gen.) X Heart's Delight Hershey (2nd gen):

Chocolate - 2nd gen buckling
                                             - Starry X Hershey

Above: Chocolate buckling
Below: Klaria - Doeling

Klaria - 2nd gen doeling
                                             - Starry X Hershey

If you would like to see more pictures of kids born on our farm in 2003 please click here. (This will open a new window taking you to our online photobucket album)

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